This Week At NASA.


Feb 6, 2008
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Dayton, Ohio
30 September 2010

KSC will return to crewed launch operations this week, in preperation for the next shuttle flight to the SSF, STS-FA7-C. Atlantis is scheduled to launch on 16 Oct.

For the past month, KSC and JSC staff have been supporting the unmaned Shuttle-C flights SCS-FA1 and SCS-FA2. The two flights took up the equivialent to four standard shuttle flights worth of payloads.

Perperations for the first launch of a shuttle from VAFB are underway and Constitution is in good health and is expected to launch ontime. This mission, STS-202, will test all aspects of a Vandenburg mission. The payload will be a SpaceHab module and the primary goal once on orbit will be to work on the Earth Surface Imaging System (ESIS). A more capible ESIS will be installed on Skylab II and is to systematicly scan all of the Earths surface and to continunaly update a database will new images. With this capability, scientists can track things like Population growth and density. Growth of urban areas and the environmental impact. The ESIS on Skylab will be an automated version of the system on this flight. After eleven days in orbit. Constitution will land at VAFB to prepare for its first launch to Skylab II. STS-202 will launch on 20 October.

Preperations for the launch of Skylab II are on schedule. Launch is targeted for 04 January 2011.

STS-FA7-C will deliver the S2 truss Solar array to the SSF and has been assigned to Space Shuttle Atlantis. This will be Atlantis's fourth mission to the SSF and its first since the aborted STS-FA9 flight. NASA managers will be closely watching the data coming from the GPC telemetry during the countdown and ascent. Along with the S2 truss, the shuttle will bring supplies to be transfered to the station, mostly items for the next Freedom Expedition crew (FE-4).

Between now and the launch of FE-4 in January, a Dragon Cargo, and a shuttle logistics flight will deliver the supplies and items that will be needed for the crew of five. After their launch another logistics flight will be required to deliver everything that will be needed for their six month stay.

After FE-4 has gotten underway, NASA will give the ok to the SPACE X coperation to allow them to conduct maned missions to the SSF using their Dragon capsule. The crew of these missions will be two Space X crewmembers and three paying passengers. The crew of five will visit the station during a two week break in between shuttle flights. Space X also will fly cargo flights to Skylab but no passenger flights have been authorized yet.

The manifest for the rest of 2010 is as follows.

  • STS-FA7-C​
S2 Truss Solar Array​
  • STS-202
  • SX-DC 002
Dragon Cargo​
  • STS-FA7-D
P2 Truss Solar Array​
  • STS-203-LF3