Modding my NXT


Addon Developer
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Tutorial Publisher
Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
Gold Coast QLD
If you are into robotics then you will no doubt have heard of the Lego NXT. This short series of posts will hopefully give out some ideas on how to expand you NXT, from using just Lego parts to full on electronic mirco-controllers.

First stop for us is incorporating the Technic Power Functions into our robots. You will need an IR receiver, a battery pack and a motor (or 2) from the power functions range. Now for the NXT side of things you will need this. A Hi Technic IR Link Sensor.

The set up is simple, set up the PF components for the desired function. Plug the sensor to a sensor port, point it at the IR reciever and phsyically you are now ready.

The hard part is coding it. There are G-code blocks aviable for download or you can use RobotC etc. Ensure you use the same channel on the sender as on the reciever.

As there is no way of knowing the location of the motors everything has to be done by timing.

A good solution to this would to add a IR location sensor and an IR diode. The sensor is also aviable from HiTechnic Sensors. The IR diode can come from an old TV remote. Add a battery pack and a resistor and you are all set.

Now you can have 2 robots able to interact with each other but totally independent.

And berfore you ask, I have not tried this yet so there is a chance it won't work.

And on the Bombshell Goodnight!