Keyboard controls for Project Gemini?


New member
Mar 4, 2009
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The basic launch. I've checked through the manual for basic controls, but as with all of these other mods...some of them do different things via different keyboard controls.

I'm a bit confused. I use the typical ctrl and + to launch. No problem. The stages kick out by themselves, or can alternatively be manually disconnect by using the letter J. However...after stage 2 separates, i get a little confused. I have the pod apparently for typical orbit. If you hit J again after that, the back of the pod breaks away and you get these thrusters on the back of a cross-bar engine. But I can't turn them on with ctrl and + like with the other stages. I can use my joystick and moving up and down fires the small rotational thrusters on the front sides, for moving or changing the position of the craft itself. But not the main thrusters on the back. I can't figure out how to turn them on. I've checked the manual...checked the folder for that project file itself...there's no documentation in it. Can anyone share the keyboard buttons with me for how to work this scenario for the rest of the engines? It also throws a program error when I pop my chute on the way down in the pod...