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  1. E

    Book recommendations: space exploration history

    Hello, I haven't been to this forum in a long while... (part of the reason is I'm a Linux-only-user now :(). I'd like to ask for recommendations about space explication history books. I want to share it with a 3yo, who can't have enough shuttle launch clips. So I'm after something with a focus...
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    SkyWatcher Dobson 254/1200 m - 400 euros, good offer?

    Hi all, Just wanted to ask about a price for a telescope. Maybe this post seems silly, I'm just in "too-excited-to-act" mode. I'm thinking of getting a dobson, after playing with a department store for a while and having a lot of fun with it. I found this page which offers a SkyWatcher Dobson...
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    Question Help in locating a movie

    Hi, as a kid I half-watched a movie my parents had borrow in VHS. This had to be between 1985 and 1990 I reckon. It as a sci-fi movie about a ship, space, and an alien with white/translucid tentacles, which killed part of the crew before befriending the rest and helping fix the ship. I only...
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    Modelling planet positions, now with VSOP87

    Hi, I'd like to ask for a recommendation for a open source c/c++ implementation of VSOP87 (preferably cartesian coordinates relative to solar system barycenter), that computes the position of planet satellites as well. I've found the one of Stellarium, but I thought there might a specific...
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    About the SSMEs angle

    While I've always thought the Space Shuttle the greatest engineering marvel, there's a technical issue that bothers me. I don't know if it's been commented in this forum before, but the fact that the SSME and the SRBs are not aligned means that part of their thrusts cancel each other. I've...
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    General Question Calculating deltaV caused by a rocket burn in Orbiter

    Hi, I'm trying to implement automatic rocket burns in an MFD, and I'd like them to be precise for a given deltaV. I have the thrust direction problem more or less solved, but am not sure about the burn power and duration. Currently, I'm having the MFD calculate the deltaV that will be caused...
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    General Question Pointing a ship towards a specific position

    Hi, I'm trying to build an MFD that fires RCS thrusters in order to point a ship towards a specific position. I have something what works, but my current implementation overshoots the desired direction. Since the Orbiter autopilots do a nice work at this, I'd like to ask about a proper...
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    Astronomic frames of reference (Orbiter vs. SPICE)

    Hi, I apologize in advance for the mistakes that might appear in the following sentences :). I've noticed that the frame of reference that Orbiter uses (ecliptic and mean equator at J2000 epoch) is different to that of Naif's SPICE (eclipj2000): in Orbiter, the X and Z axes are in the plane of...
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    Update Trajectories V0.0.4

    Hi, I uploaded a new version of Trajectories: Trajectories - New features: - Finite thrust burns implemented (both with finite and infinite fuel) - Ship configuration window. - Plane change maneuvers. - Wait for intersections of body orbit planes. - Small change in the GUI code: might...
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    Modelling rocket burn in a software simulator

    Hi all, I keep the development of Trajectories, a simulator of space missions. I'm implementing finite thrust maneuvers, and I have a couple of questions about how to model rocket burns. I'm working with the following assumptions: - Thrust [measured in Newtons] is constant during a burn, mass...
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    Modelling planet motion for a space sim

    Hi all, I have a couple of questions about modelling planet motion in the Solar System. First, the motivation: I'm writing a small space simulator. Not like Orbiter, but something like a planning tool: a software that helps you in setting (complex) space flights, which may involve several...