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  1. G

    Tutorial How to create and launch your own rocket in Orbiter 2010P1

    This tutorial aims to teach you how to create and launch your own rockets in orbiter 2010. It's known that Multistage addon (Vinka's original or the Fred18's 2015 version), allow you create single or multistage rockets easily by editing a .ini file with notepad. Any rocket that you make with...
  2. G

    Tutorial | Create and launch your own rocket (Orbiter 2010P1) 2018-08-19

    This tutorial aims to teach you the steps in order to create a simple single-staged rocket and how to introduce that model into Orbiter 2010P1 for launch it. This procedure will eventually teach you how to create a multi-stage rocket. It’s not ‘how modeling’, but it’s how to launch in...