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STPSP: Romulus (Update 3.0) 2023-04-21


STPSP: Romulus is part six of the Star Trek Planetary Systems Project (STPSP), an attempt to accurately simulate the major planetary systems in the Star Trek universe (with some conjecture, mostly in the form of some ideas of mine.) A fan of the series almost since birth, I wanted to recreate the systems so that it would be possible to create scenarios in them. The Romulus system is home to four planets, three moons, and three surface bases. The planetary arrangement is based on a chart seen in the film Star Trek: Nemesis. One of the surface bases requires the Frontier: 55 Cancri addon for meshes. Additionally, some of the scenarios require the Type 9 shuttlecraft, Klingon Fleet, STPSP: Qo'noS, D'Deridex-class Romulan Warbird (Trekkie's version), Mogai-class (AKA Valdore-class) Romulan Warbird, and Trek Pack add-ons. As for the system, I promise that you won’t be disappointed. Enjoy!

This is perhaps my most extensive update so far, with a completely revamped readme file, changes to some of the scenario files, the primary star's mass adjusted to to make it closer to that of a real-life main sequence star like Sol, and the one base completely reconfigured (with the current configuration intended as a placeholder in lieu of a dedicated mesh by Trekkie).

And one final note - since I consider the reboot (the Abrams films, Discovery, Picard, et cetera) to be a separate canon from the pre-2009 installments, Romulus is still intact as of the year 2448 in my fanfiction, a decision which is reflected in the included scenarios.
Software License
None Selected (All Rights Reserved / Inferred license)
Supported Orbiter Version
  1. 2010-P1
Luke Reichelt
First release
Last update
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