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FedEX Scenario 2007-11-11


This is my first scenario, it seems pretty accurate, me being a noob and all.

However, it is a very good scenario to me, I dunoo about others, all its about is prelude bases on some planets and moons, and you can deliver stuff to other bases or even cape carnival

**Warning**: this scenario requires The DeltaGliderIV, The FedEX DGIV Skin, and the FedEX DGIV Payload

All of these items can be found here:

I also reccommend you have Vinka's spacecraft 2 or 3.dll

those can be found here:

Enjoy this scenario, if you have any bug reports or concerns, notify me at any time

my user name for orbit hanger mods and dan''s orbiter page is OmegaRidley

Enjoy and have fun!