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ALIEN: The Zeta 2 Reticuli System 2010-09-14

Beauty Shot.JPG

Welcome to the Zeta 2 Reticuli System, please be sure to follow all quarintine proceedures as there are hostile organizms present.Thanks to  Roadware (AKA: Steve) who is also new to orbiter originally made the ship model in Sketchup, so send him a shout out too for his great work on which mine is based.UPDATE: 16/09/10
For anyone experiencing technical difficulties with the Zeta 2 Reticuli scenarios, please try re-down loading  and installing on a clean copy of Orbiter. I can't seem to replicate the problem using my clean copy when downloading this current file.UPDATE: 15/09/10
As IZACK pointed out quite correctly in the comments section, I totally failed to remember to credit two developers whose work was esssential for not only this add-on but many of the best additions to the Orbiter-verse and they are:Vinka, for his spaceraft3 dll which allows us non-C++ people a way to create wonderful complex config files with animations and such.Computerex for his OrbSpotLights dll add-on, which was found in the Perseus Deep Space Ship, by Perseus,
Also I should point out also...Napes weaver's MillenniumF4  Spaceship3 ini-file served as the basis for the Nostromo. from studying his work I figured out how to animate and position exhausts etc.
My deepest appologies for the oversight, I never meant to claim any of their work as mine, I simply got ahead of myself in a rush to get the ship uploaded, haste does make waste, and embarassment, my appologies again.
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