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Narada Star Trek 2009 2011-02-09


NARADA Star Trek 2009 (V1.0 February 9th 2011)

The Narada was originally a massive Romulan mining vessel. crushing asteriods and small planetoids then using its many tendicals to sweep and sort the rubble for valuable minerals. After the loss of Romulus, its captain, Nero went insane. In his qwest to punish Spock and the Federation for their failure to prevent Romulus's destruction; he refitted the Narada with aquired borg technology. Before he could kill Spock both the Narada and Spock's vessel were transported into the past, where Nero chose to continue his vendetta and rewrite history so that Romulus would eventually rule the galaxy free of the Federation.
Narada has a drilling rig which extrends down 56 kilometers, press "G" to lower the rig and retract it, note that it takes 200 seconds to deploy. The hover exhaust has been repurposed to represent the drill beam.
The Narada uses the hover thrust and "HOLD ALT" function to paitain position and Altitude.
The main docking bay doors are animated press "K".

Docking Ports:
She has docking ports inside the hangar bay.
Required add-ons:
Vinka's Spacecraft3 (Most people here have this installed, but it you don't this add-on's mesh will NOT apprear. To add to another scenario, either directly edit the scenario file, or use the scenario editor, but be sure to name it exactly as it appears in the vessel list menu)
This model is a KITBASH of the following...
a basic consept model I started and CrazyVulcans static Nerada model from Google Sketch-up. use this link to view and rate his original work.
All models shared on Googles 3D warehouse are for FREE-of-Charge personal use with credit given to their creators.
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