Error Stock Transfer MFD CTD



Hi all,

I'm just wondering if anyone has seen this problem before (did a search and found nothing about it). The following is exactly how it happened for me, so there might be other variations that does the same...

Set up two vessels, 2 x DG's, for example, in orbit around two different bodies, say, Moon and Earth. Now, go to virtual cockpit in one. Set one MFD to the standard Transfer MFD (not TransX), and the other to Align Planes MFD. Plan your transfer (increase the DV button until you get your orbit transfer plot done). Now, hit F3 and go to the other DG. Then hit F8 to leave the virtual cockpit view in the other vessel. Do you get a CTD?

This happened while I was testing an add on I am working on. I thought I might have had a GDI leak through lack of coding attention on my part, or something, but all looked in order upon scrutiny.

Then it happened exactly the same way when I tried it with two stock DG's (as described above). And then once again after a computer restart and on a fresh Orbiter install. Is it a bug with Transfer MFD or Align Planes MFD?

Thanks in advance for your attention to this matter.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
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Here and now
IIRC AlignPlanes is the culprit. I know it's caused crashes, but don't remember the exact circumstances.


IIRC AlignPlanes is the culprit. I know it's caused crashes, but don't remember the exact circumstances.

Yep, it certainly is. Thank you very much for confirming that. It happens when you attempt to change the cockpit camera view mode after swapping vessels with Align Planes active.