API Question Setting Propellant and Thrust levels remotely


Aspiring rocket scientist
Addon Developer
Tutorial Publisher
Dec 27, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego
I'm writing a stage seperation routine based on the stock Atlantis' Tank seperation routine. I've got the basic routine working but I can't seem to figure out how to set the propellant levels in the seperated stage via VESSELSTATUS::FUELSPEC to the levels that they were at prior to seperation.

I can set an empty tank and I can set a full tank but is there any way to set an "in between" tank.

here is the pertinant portion of my function.

		// Create descent stage as individual object
		memset (&vs, 0, sizeof (vs));
		vs.version = 2;
		GetStatusEx (&vs);
		vs.flag = VS_FUELLIST;
		vs.fuel = &fuel;

		double fuel_lvl, O2_lvl, H2O_lvl;
		fuel_lvl	= GetPropellantMass (ph_descentFuel) / GetPropellantMaxMass (ph_descentFuel);
		O2_lvl		= GetPropellantMass (ph_descentO2) / GetPropellantMaxMass (ph_descentO2);
		H2O_lvl		= GetPropellantMass (ph_descentH2O) / GetPropellantMaxMass (ph_descentH2O);
		set proplevel 0 to fuel_lvl
		set proplevel 1 to O2_lvl
		set proplevel 2 to H2O_lvl

---------- Post added at 13:25 ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 ----------

So I tried a different tack by trying to create a VESSEL interface instance after the seperated stage had already spawned but this didn't work either.

		strcpy (name, GetName ());
		strcat (name, "-DescentStage");
		oapiCreateVesselEx (name, "UMMU_Apollo/LM_descentstage", &vs);

		OBJHANDLE oh_descent = oapiGetObjectByName (name);   
		VESSEL *ds = oapiGetVesselInterface (oh_descent);
		ds->SetPropellantMass (GetPropellantHandleByIndex (0), GetPropellantMass (ph_descentFuel));
		ds->SetPropellantMass (GetPropellantHandleByIndex (1), GetPropellantMass (ph_descentO2));
		ds->SetPropellantMass (GetPropellantHandleByIndex (2), GetPropellantMass (ph_descentH2O));

the code compiles and runs just fine, the levels just aren't being set.

Does anybody have any ideas?

---------- Post added at 14:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

...and now I feel silly.

I had forgotten to include "ds->" in the "GetPropellantHandleByIndex" call. :facepalm:

the following code does the job...

void LM::StageSeparation (void)
	if (VesselStatus == DESCENT) // Sanity check, is there a descent stage to jettison?
		char name[256];
		VECTOR3 ofs, rofs;				
		VECTOR3	sdir = { 0,-1, 0};		// Seperation direction
		double	svel = 0.3;				// Separation velocity

		// Create descent stage as seperate vessel
		GetStatus (vs);
		ofs = LM_DES_OFFSET;
		Local2Rel (ofs, vs.rpos);
		vs.status = 0;
		Local2Rel (ofs, vs.rpos);		
		GlobalRot (sdir, rofs);
		vs.rvel += rofs*svel;
		strcpy (name, GetName()); 
		strcat (name, "-DescentStage");
		oapiCreateVessel (name, "UMMU_Apollo/LM_descentstage", vs);	// create descent stage vessel

		// Match descent stage's propellant levels to current  
		OBJHANDLE oh_descent = oapiGetObjectByName (name);		// get handle of descent stage vessel 
		VESSEL *ds = oapiGetVesselInterface (oh_descent);		// get interface for descent stage
		ds->SetPropellantMass (ds->GetPropellantHandleByIndex (0), GetPropellantMass (ph_descentFuel));
		ds->SetPropellantMass (ds->GetPropellantHandleByIndex (1), GetPropellantMass (ph_descentO2));
		ds->SetPropellantMass (ds->GetPropellantHandleByIndex (2), GetPropellantMass (ph_descentH2O));
		// Remove descent stage from vessel instance
		DelThruster (th_descent);						// Delete descent stage engine
		DelPropellantResource (ph_descentH2O);			// Delete descent stage water tank
		DelPropellantResource (ph_descentO2);			// Delete descent stage O2 tank
		DelPropellantResource (ph_descentFuel);			// Delete descent stage propellant tank
		DelMesh (mesh_Descent);							// Delete descent stage mesh
		VesselStatus = ASCENT;							// Set vessel status to ascent

	} // End "if (VesselStatus == DESCENT)"
} // End "LM::StageSeparation"
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