Personal VSA: Breto Aerospace Reveal


Drell Admiral, Citadel Fleet
Jan 24, 2011
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Been hearing that telltale rumble of rocket launches near Wideawake International lately, well, you're not in fact, crazy! (or maybe you are, in which case, your train to Narnia is leaving in two minutes! Better hurry!)

Well-known electronic R&D company Double Helix has decided to expand their business, by funding a private space agency as part of a new arm of their research department. Breto Aerospace, named for the founder of the company, has recently set up shop at Wideawake International. Since this announcement has been a bit delayed, the agency has started on some projects! Even better, we can tell you about them without killing you! (for the most part)

Trinity Space Station


A slightly older shot of Trinity Station taken from SAF (Station Assembly Flight) 4, as the Galifrey left the station to return to Earth, our XR2 was transporting some crew up at the time.

Trinity Station is an orbiting research platform in space, similar to the International Space Station. Currently in the process of being assembled, it is is Phase 1 of it's development cycle, facilitating only basic research at this point. When it opens to Phase II, any and all agencies, as well as Earth-based universities and such, may rent out a portion of the space station. If you want some research done in zero-G now, you're welcome to fill out an application to our PR department (OOC: send me a PM) and we'll add modules onto our construction plan based on your needs.


Tired of all of the whining and complaining about sending men to Mars without actually getting anything done. Breto Aerospace is planning to change that. In co-op with some other partner agencies, we are preparing to set up a true mission to Mars, where all manner of cool research will be done, ON MARS!

As of current, we are accepting requests, should you want something taken to our red neighbor, contact our PR department, and we'll see what we can do.

Meet the Fleet!

As of current Breto Aerospace has three spaceplanes at its disposal.


BAS Galifrey

Any Whovians reading this newsletter will recognize the name of our biggest craft. An XR5 Vanguard purchased from Altea Aerospace, it has seen the most time in orbit out of any of our ships, and aids up primarily in station building.


BAS Kenshiro

Named after the protagonist of Fist of the North Star, our XR2 earned it's name when the APU malfunctioned shortly after returning from its inaugural flight, creating a very fast, repetitive high pitched whine. It is primarily used as a CTV for large crews, a medium transport when the XR5 is too large to be used, or an executive plane, when our CEO wants to be impressive.


BAS Kranz

Christened after Gene Kranz, our smallest spaceplane acts primarily as a Soyuz-sized CTV, or used when our other two vehicles are not cost-effective to launch. It also makes for great airshows, and as an odd request, can be fitted with a DJ booth in the cargo bay (on the ground only, of course.)

Keep an eye out, more newsletters coming soon!

Author's note:

The XR fleet skins are courtesy of PennyBlack. The DG was my own creation, but I suck at that sort of thing, so I borrowed some of PennyBlack's skins and slapped my logo on them, please don't gag and burn me at the stake for unoriginality :lol:


May 26, 2011
Reaction score
well, since you said pleaseputs away torch good luck!