Ares V Concept?


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Apr 11, 2008
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Hi everyone. I was wondering if one of the developers in the community might take on the challenge of releasing an updated Ares V add-on. As far as I can tell there are a couple of "Ares V like" add-ons that are available (the Sirius SDLV on orbit hangar and the CaLV available with one of Francis Drake's very cool ESAS CEV add-on) but neither of these represent the latest evolution of the concept. Any takers?

I had thought about creating my own add-on, perhaps as a Velcro rocket add-on. But, my available free time these days is next to nothing. I would be willing to provide the developer with a concept model of the Ares V core stage and EDS I created some time ago as either a starting point or just for reference.



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Mar 23, 2008
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Before further considering some eventual extra input from this side of the Net, my question would be: what are you exactly thinking when making reference to "an updated AresV"?



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Apr 11, 2008
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Hi Antonio,

Actually, I was thinking about the updated version of the Ares V concept that you are showing in the rightmost position in your livepics link. The latest description and renderings of the Ares V can also be found at NASA's website.



There are some notable differences between the latest version of the Ares V concept and that which was proposed at the outset of the Constellation program. Here are a few that I picked up on.

1.) 10m diameter core stage and 10m diameter EDS
2.) 188 mt to LEO vs. ~110 mt
3.) 5.5 seg. SRBs vs. 5 seg.

Are you planning on releasing a version of the Ares V you currently have modeled? It would make a great compliment to the already released Ares I and the Direct concept launchers you created.

BTW, my current Ares V models are no where near the quality level of your typical models. I am humbled, and I think your add-ons, in general, are fantastic. :)

Thanks for responding to my query.


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Mar 23, 2008
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Thanks and hello again

I have asked about what exactly had you in mind when making reference to an updated AresV in order to know what I could eventually contribute in a more or less near-term period (perhaps until the end of this month (?), really not sure).

Being more explicit, have currently here a range of some older heavy lifter 3D meshes already implemented in Orbiter. Also have things that are not exported into Orbiter format yet...

1) Focusing in official NASA approach, have implemented (but not released) an older AresV iteration (10m core powered by 5 x RS-68, 2 x 5 segment SRB, EDS still at 8.4m diameter powered by single J-2X, PLF could be 10m diameter).

2) Also preparing a heavy lifter family for NASA VSE SC addon's alternative reality where kept the core at 8.4m diameter (but stretched it) and recently assumed it being powered by 6 (instead of 5) expendable SSME. The core has 2 x 5 segment SRB at the sides (but with slightly different assumptions than NASA's past official design iterations) and the upper stage is at 10m diameter (same for PLF), powered by one or twin J-2S80 (a conceptual engine in part similar to official J-2X - same ISP - except for the thrust, which would be lower). This common bulkhead stage configuration could be able to place ~134t (including payload adapter) into 300Km direct insertion and while having ~2.33% of FPR / Residuals (~161t of total mass inserted into LEO, counting with upper stage). Just as a side note, in NASA VSE SC addon will assume alternative mission modes for Moon / Mars and also alternative CEV / LSAM assumptions.

As yet another side note, if really needed - and because we are in virtual reality - such heavy lifter could be later upgraded for a LEO performance of ~225t or so (need to check) if making a core variant (extra mass added) in order to support a four booster configuration (twin SRB would be replaced by probably expendable kerolox boosters, with an equivalent thrust of 2 x RD-170 each) and if the upper stage would double propellant load and number of J-2S80 engines (4).

3) Back to NASA's official plans: as you have noted, the current baseline configuration assumes all at 10m diameter, monster core updated to 6 x RS-68B specs and really big propellant load, 2 x 5.5 segment SRB (with extra thrust / ISP than ever... it seems that almost no thrust curve; these would perhaps always go at full thrust) and also a big EDS (single J-2X). There are a few doubts about things such as thrust structure design for the core and about if this baseline might further be transformed to an even greater rocket. There are also a few comments about eventually dropping AresI (5 segment SRB + single J-2X concept) and going for some kind of dual launch heavy lift scenario for the Moon (but that is really a kind of rumour, not a verified info). The current AresV baseline (for the '1.5' mission mode) has a total LEO delivery payload of ~182t to 188t or so (including the upper stage in that number).

About eventual Heavy Lifter Addon

The idea here would be to make some kind of preliminary upload at Obit Hangar Mods containing one (and just one) of the concepts above, for people wishing to have ~130t or higher heavy lift capability and a 10m diameter fairing. The mission modes would depend of each one's preferences / requirements: giving as example lunar missions, people would either assume something like current official path (keeping a smaller Crew Launch Vehicle around) or using the heavy lifter configuration to launch crew + lander in one flight and EDS in another (and go for dual heavy launch mode).

In any case, orbinauts would need to be aware that:

a) If uploading something 'soon' (please do not ask me about a specific release date), I might not be able to prepare extensive documentation about the addon specs and about how to use it... Some familiarity with how Vinka's generic dlls work could be required (most of that info is available in Vinka's nice official docs). For extra doubts or clarifications about performance implementation, payload integration, etc I could perhaps check the forums and answer as needed.

b) The 3D models included inside that package might be just 'dummy' performance placeholders (they might be outdated / incomplete regarding what have in the 3D editor and in what concerns visual quality or regarding the representation of some launcher integration details).

c) If providing an ascent guidance might perhaps only do it for Exploration ascents (~28.5 inclinations) and such guidance might go only until a few seconds after separation from core (and other major ascent events, the rest would have to be manual depending of how much time would have to tweak the rest of the insertion)

d) The zip package would be a temporary upload, with a custom directory structure: it would only include one of the heavy lifter options above (older AresV or updated AresV or NASA VSE SC ~134t baseline heavy lifter) in both cargo only and crew+cargo configurations. Such zip package would be later deleted and no longer supported because:

d.1) the AresV 'official' design iteration (the older or the most recent) would be later moved to an integrated AresI-V addon, independently of what happens in real life.

d.2) the NASA VSE SC Heavy Lifter will be later moved to NASA VSE SC addon, whenever I update the really old v1.0 (which think that has a few implementation errors and less apealling visual work)

Please have all the above in mind when using such addon or if requiring it to work with other addons...

So and to end this long blablablablabla I will stand-by for a little in order to give time to fellow orbinauts to answer to the following question: what is the preferred path for an eventual +/- near-term release (until the end of month, again, not sure)?

Current AresV specs?
Older AresV specs?
NASA VSE SC heavy Lifter specs?
(I ask to orbinauts wanting to give his / her opinion to please just choose one option)

Depending of the answer(s), will see what can do but would like to note that current AresV baseline might take a bit longer because would have to hunt / research / estimate first a few extra details about launcher integration and ascent events and because do not have anything of the new stuff (new core + EDS + 5.5seg SRB assumptions) exported to Orbiter. Once more, I'm asking what is the *near-term* wish versus the constraints written above (independently of the answer I plan to implement both heavy lifter types, sooner or later).

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Apr 11, 2008
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Wow! I had no idea you were working on so many variantions on the heavy lifter concept. While I am tempted to ask for all three as part of a near term release, I realize that would be greedy of me to do so. So, I will stick with my #1 choice: an Ares V with the updated specs.

I'd like to hear what other forum members would like to see released as a near term/temporary download as well before you pull the trigger.

What ever the final vote may be, thanks so much for your continued contributions to the orbiter community.

Best Regards :)


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Feb 4, 2008
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I guess since there's some interest, I can revive my old unreleased Ares V and bring it up to date with the latest official specs:



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Mar 23, 2008
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Gosavich: ok, will wait a little more but, if no extra orbinaut opinions are written, I will then try to release something closer to current AresV baseline specs (more or less around the end of this month or so).

As written above, please have in mind that this is the option that will take more time here because some extra work is required in the 3D editor (unlike the case for the older AresV or NASA VSE SC heavy lifter, the meshes for the updated AresV are not fully ready yet neither exported into Orbiter format) and also because need to further study the performance implementation and, in lack of some other details, might also have to 'invent' / adapt some things related with ascent procedures.

Just hope that NASA meanwhile does not update its AresV baseline too much, although that is likely to happen somewhere in the future because, as far as understand, the current baseline does not fully close a few requirements (and also because, under current approach, AresV is many years into the future). I guess that if such baseline update happens we, in *virtual world*, can simply move to a two heavy lifter launch solution for lunar crewed missions either going for LOR-LOR (CEV and LSAM sent separately to the Moon) or for EOR-LOR but with CEV+LSAM launched in one flight and EDS launched alone in another (to optimise propellant load). The last option might however require a few configuration tweaks related with launch, rendezvous and departure stack. This to not talk about a few other alternative concepts that, again in virtual life, we are free to implement without having to face real life constraints (propellant depots, EML2 as staging mission points, etc).

DaveS: nice AresV you have there :cheers: I have also implemented a similar official AresV (based in previous specs), as can be seen in this temporary download link:

Please do feel free to also release an AresV, etc addon if you wish to do so: in my humble opinion, it is never too much having multiple implementations of something in Orbiter! It is even kind of interesting due to each author interpretation of a concept and/or due to several constraints while implementing a given concept.

To end, something that might be 'crying out loud' to be updated is the LSAM, being that I would be more interested in performance specs updates than in visuals. But talking about visuals, have made an 'after-ESAS' LSAM that have been using in Direct SDLV related renderings as can be seen in the related AIAA 2007 paper or in related pictures available in my flickr space. Such LSAM concept is also outdated in a number of ways but it is something between ESAS and current baseline specs. I could probably use a few textures and 3D parts (landing gears, some tanks, engines, etc) from older models that have made and adapt them to an updated LSAM with an easy to do descent stage (just an octagonal 3D shape) and updated ascent stage + airlock. But will not think too much about this for the moment: already have my hands more than full with other Direct SDLV stuff, NASA VSE SC, this AresV update and several other extra 'toys'.

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Mar 23, 2008
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2008/08/17 Dev Update

Started studying the performance implementation for what is known as AresV LV51.00.48. As previously noted, this is going slowly due to external constraints and also because really need to better research a few AresV stuff which might not be very explicit or self-evident when transposing physical data to Orbiter, even if just considering doing such for a first order performance implementation.

This to say that although there still is a good bit to go here, I'm currently having brainstorms to replicate the intended performance of such AresV vehicle configuration. I'm the first to admit that the 'issues' might be related with my very preliminary interpretation (perhaps not totally correct) of the overall launcher configuration and, more specifically, in what concerns EDS + LSAM numbers (relative mass breakout).

This is what got so far (again, with very alpha implementation, no automatic guidance, using older 3D models as performance placeholder, etc):

~242Km direct insertion into ~28.65 inc

177689 Kg = 21000 Kg (EDS) + 101498 Kg (total LEO prop.) + 55200 Kg (Payload)

Payload = 51000 Kg (LSAM) + 868 Kg (LSAM Adapter) + 3332 Kg (EDS Boil-Off Reduction Kit? Else this can be converted in FPR / Residuals)

Additional Notes:

- The TLI payload requirement is ~71.1t (up to ~75t or so, with extra margins), with ~20.2t being the expected mass of CEV (note: Orion is also facing some mass growth concerns of its own and which might make it heavier at TLI burn: a few of that mass growth - as well some mass cuts too – can be traced back to AresI integration but some other eventual Orion mass growth expectations are independent of choice of launch vehicle)

- The EDS Boil-Off Reduction Kit is not carried for the TLI burn (it is just brought to LEO): assumed above that the EDS mass of ~24t at lift-off includes such Kit (else, the total EDS 'empty' mass would have to be ~27t at T-0 and during the ascent to LEO…)

- Assuming 0.35% (?) boil-off per day (for a currently baselined maximum loiter time of just 4 days)

- Not sure why or if the LSAM mass for the crewed configuration is currently ~51t (~71t minus 20t CEV)… Previous estimations – although for a zero baseline / point of departure / minimum functionality only LSAM design approach – placed the crewed LSAM at ~45t and the cargo variant at ~54t or so (need to check). Maybe the 51t for the crewed LSAM is the result of a few design changes for sortie / outpost variants (the minimum functionality design had not much space for a crew of 4… or maybe this has to do with a few other deeper changes possibilities for LSAM but would not like to speculate)

- Not very sure too about the LSAM adapter and about if or where in which specific mass breakout that adapter mass should be included or not (or is already?… in EDS?, LSAM? or generic payload mass breakout / margins?).


As things are now, with the above preliminary result, would have ~100t of total available propellant for TLI (after 4 days LEO) of ~51t LSAM + 20t CEV + 0.9t LSAM adapter

This would allow for a total ideal dV (assuming 449s ISP for J-2X at ~81% thrust during TLI, which is kind of harder to simulate here with generic dlls) of ~3180 m/s leaving just ~800Kg inside the EDS, if have done the math +/-right.

But again, might have to better study quite a few extra important details mostly about EDS + LSAM properties… What bothers me a little is that seem to have approximated consistent results when comparing with other expected metrics (such as GLOW, SRB staging MET vs solid fuel consumption, Core expected burn time / burnout mass, T/W at lift-off, burnout, TLI, etc) but, when reach to final performance results, and when dealing with things related with final performance margins there are a few differences from what would be expected (~184t to 188t or so of expected LEO delivery performance vs the ~178t that I got).

Anyway, writing this blablablablabla just because not sure when will be able to do another development update and to illustrate why warned that the choice of implementing something closer to an updated AresV could take a bit longer, at least here (when comparing with other options).

All for now,


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Mar 23, 2008
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2008/08/26 Dev Update

Yet another update: after hunting the Internet for some extra public LV51.00.48 AresV data (the variant that will implement) and after trying to study such info, it seems that the 51t for the crewed LSAM variant mass (mentioned in my previous post) might already include the payload adapter and extra margin as well.

Making it short, if going to the ~71.1t TLI requirement and subtracting ~20.2t (CEV at TLI) we then have those ~50.9t.

Subtracting ~0.9t for LSAM adapter gives ~50t
Subtracting ~45t for the expected (crewed variant) LSAM mass gives ~5t of margin

If perhaps (?) being optimistic (?) and if assuming that those CEV + LSAM + payload adapter masses will stay like that when the designs see the light of day, will next go back to my previous post and 'clumsily' re-do some of the math (without having made updated ascent tests)… So, if still assuming - for the quick math (please, someone feel free to double-check TLI calculations, had not time to confirm all, thanks) - the very preliminary performance result that have previously shared of ~178t total mass delivered by the AresV into ~242Km:

177689 Kg = 21000 Kg (EDS) + 101498 Kg (total LEO prop.) + 868 Kg (LSAM) adapter + 45000 Kg (LSAM for crewed missions) + 3332 Kg (EDS Boil-Off Reduction Kit?) + 5991 Kg (Extras)

Now, it all depends of what those ~6t of 'Extras' are: if those extras / margin end up by being used to 'cover' CEV + LSAM + adapter mass growths then we end up with a situation similar to what have described in the earlier post (and, in such case, AresV might have to be resized or other mission design constraints / architecture assumptions might need to be refined).

On the other hand, if the CEV + (crewed variant) LSAM are respectively kept - when operationally implemented - at ~20.2t and ~45t at TLI moment and the LSAM adapter is also kept at ~0.9t then this means that the upper stage would gain a performance margin of ~6t of internal propellant load (which would then be ~107.5t propellant load carried by the EDS into LEO).

Then, assuming ~0.35% x 4 days boil off results in ~106t of propellant available at TLI moment, which returns an ideal dV of ~3180m/s for TLI (assuming ~449s ISP) while keeping ~6.68t propellants inside the EDS, for a ~27.68t EDS burnout mass composed of ~21t EDS (with boil off reduction kit discarded before TLI) + 6.68t or so of Flight Performance Reserves / Residuals (not including the payload adapter as being part of this burnout mass, although it technically stays with the EDS at LSAM separation / extraction) and assuming that such Performance Reserves are not used in the LEO ascent / TLI.

Additional Comments

One thing is sure: if this AresV is ever implemented or even further upgraded, this will be a huge launch vehicle! The drawback (?) is that it might require a complete rebuild of many existing production / support facilities and also of several key launch infrastructures (crawlerway, pads, etc), which might or not compensate (or even be feasible), depending of how much is required, depending of available budgets vs flight rate vs the real important (which are the payloads), etc…

As yet another side comment, given that this is quickly becoming an all-clean sheet design exercise, with very little Shuttle Derived Heritage for both AresI + AresV (and even with AresI + V possibly loosing some key synergies), my personal opinion is that, in an ideal world, kerolox powered options could enter back into the trade space somewhere for the boosters and / or first stage design(s) (and / or, focusing in the Moon, other mission design architectures and assumptions - other than the ‘1.5' - could be considered).

But moving on and back to this AresV implementation that I'm (slowly) preparing, regarding release date (although do not like to advance such kind of dates): sorry but it seems that will have to delay for somewhere in second half of September (?) (will be very busy in the next weeks).



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Apr 11, 2008
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Thanks for the detailed updates, Antonio. As always, the amount of research you put into your add-ons is superb. I think that given the limited amount of information about masses etc. for the latest Ares V design proposal, a little uncertainty and creative licensing will naturally need to find its way into the add-on you release. That's certainly OK from my perspective.

Purists aside, I think that most users will recognize that trade-offs (even for Orbiter Add-ons) are just part of the creative process. As such, if all the details are not exact, then it's not a deal breaker for what is shaping up to be a great add-on based on your descriptions and modeling.

Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to the eventual release.



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Addon Developer
Mar 23, 2008
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Hello, sorry for the delay: have not forgotten about this but being busy with other (mostly real life) things. But back to virtual stuff / this topic: also studying some +/- recent NASA AresV related documents and comparing with what have already done.

Another reason for delays is that I'm thinking about if should or not include a payload in the addon (other than a dummy cargo of some kind) or if should let those tweaks for forum discussion / later integration...

The initial thought was to include an integration with francisdrake's 'ESAS LSAM' but that would require me to rotate the 3D model for launch configuration (ask for permission and include such modified model + textures in the package) as well would also have to make additional 'integration tweaks' so that the CEV properly interacts (docks) with the LSAM-EDS stack... Then there is also the brainstorm about LSAM-CEV interaction after TLI...

In order to overcome such integration difficulties, I'm seriously thinking about if it wouldn't be better to just produce a few extra (but very preliminary, not very detailed, no VC, no animations) 3D models for an updated visual / performance implementation of Altair and power it with Vinka's spacecraft.dll…

This way, when EDS reaches orbit, people would have to press 'J' to 'activate' the Altair's docking port (the EDS would release the Altair payload and automatically dock with it via a 'dummy' docking port present in EDS adapter and in Altair's descent module bottom). Then CEV could dock with Altair (via active port in the Ascent Module), EDS would release Boil-Off reduction kit (via another ‘J’ key press) and the EDS-LSAM-CEV stack would do TLI (but still need to test how the EDS behaves with the LSAM+CEV masses docked to it)…

Then, for middle course corrections, the LSAM would be like a standard vessel… Once in lunar orbit, the Altair would descend but… Well, it would kind of be a 'tail-seater' vehicle (the hover engine would be the main engine…). This probably requires a custom dll or further tweaks because the functional attitude of Altair and its main engine role are different depending if we are talking about using its propulsion for in-space procedures or for descent. Beyond this, there might also exist a few other things that need to check regarding the return home part (Ascent Module vs Descent Module interaction, at lunar lift-off, etc).

Yet another way to solve a few of these 'issues' would be to assume a different LSAM design than the official one (an horizontal lander like what I'm assuming for non-released NASA VSE SC stuff would allow to overcome many of these integration issues but would also mean the production of new AresV fairings and perhaps also mean a different LSAM-CEV TLI interaction and / or architecture assumptions).

Ok, I guess that the above gives a generic idea about what is going on here,
Will try to do further updates, when possible, but please have in mind that there are additional constraints (not all related with virtual world). And yes, I'm aware that waiting is a pain :coffee: :)
