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GDI MkI Ore Mill 2010-05-11


Gryphon Deployable Industries (GDI)
MkI Ground-based Ore Mill.
Programming by Ashaman42
Meshes and Textures by Ashaman42 (Most textures produced using built-in patterns in GIMP2. Ore cargo texture is a reskin of DanSteph's SpaceFuel cargo. Packed boxes A to D are reskins of DanSteph's CargoBaseModule).
Requires GDI Miner MKI.
Requires UCGO/UMMU by DanSteph.
Deployable via Ummu (using U key) from packed configuration.
Unpack Box A using U key. Boxes B to D unpacked via action area by using Return key at control console from Ummu.
Controls: N.B. Numbers refer to keyboard rather than num-pad.
Shft C - Release full ore cargo box from loading position.
4 - Toggles autoprocessing on/off.
7 - Produce a full ore cargo. Works whether autoprocessing enabled or not.
Ore mill automatically consumes rock cargo produced by GDI Miner when autoprocessing is enabled (grapple radius is 10m from centre of ore mill).
Settings: N.B. Settings can be adjusted via scenario file.
OreTankLevel - Amount of rock available in kg, each 2,000kg ore cargo requires 4,000kg of raw rock. The ore mill can hold a maximum of 10,000kg or rock at a time.
Autospawn - 0 = autoprocessing disabled, 1 = autoprocessing enabled. Default is disabled.
Spawntime - Time in seconds between cargo autospawns. Default 300 sec (5 minutes).
Status - indicated the progress of constructing the ore mill. 3 indicates ore mill is ready to function.
First release
Last update
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