Hello from Haverhill! EliNaut is back!


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Reaction score
Boston area
Heeeeeeeeey OF!
Been quite awhile since I've had any activity here on the forum (thank you mods for not deleting my account LOL)

At the time, my intrests were shifting to a more atmospheric setting. These days I am mostly online on YS Flight. And I'll admit, it has also been quite awhile since I was on Orbiter.

This is also due to my computer. Orbiter is obviously best enjoyed in a decent, something which my computer can not provide without bugs. I will hopefully be getting a more powerful computer soon.

So in the meantime, I'm dusting off my Adobe flight manuals when I can. This is also thanks to that new IMFD tutorial, should help a ton with this. Sometime this week I plan on sweeping through the basic "breaking in" tasks of a trip to the ISS and reentry, as well as to the moon and back.

And if you remember me, thats great!
For those of you who have a little foggy memory of me, probably the biggest thing that I've posted thats drawn the most activity is my Grand Orbiter Flag Challenge concept, which I drew up, and other users generously produced scenarios, etc

That's about all I have to say bout' that.

~EliNaut :cheers:
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