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  1. S

    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    its been a long time now, sorry theres no development. :facepalm: ive been involved in some other things,and haven't been using orbiter very mutch. now im coming back. :) my first base, which will probably be on the moon, will not have a fusion ramjet, but instead just a structure simulating...
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    is it possible to get this on orbiter hanger? i cant seem to get it on the website its posted on. it looks like an amazing addon!
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    great idea! i will defintly use that concept.:thumbup: however, my first addon will just be a base. is there any addon sort of like orbiter base maker exept for ships? ---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 AM ---------- thanks for all the links :thumbup...
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    OVERVIEW of PROJECT the sorpendarin base is to contain a fuision ramjet at the center and several other service stations around it. this first addon is set in the year 2092. there is an edited cape canaveral as well. but right now no development has been made. this part will be called...
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    OHM Future Earth-Global Warming

    this looks like a very interesting addon, please make more. i will download it and some of youre other addons soon. ive alwys wanted a future earth for orbiter, but since florida goes underwater, it might interfear with my cape canaveral addon im currently working on. but i guess i will have to...
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    thanks. anyway, it seems somehow my best version of orbiter got deleted :thumbsdown::(:(:(:(:(. unfoutonly, my bases as well. i still have them on orbiter base maker, but i dont have the orbiter they were on. ---------- Post added at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------...
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    thanks, garyw i will take my time with my actual base, but i might also realese a few smaller bases on the way.:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    just wondering, how do you post an addon to Orbiter Hanger? im not quite at that stage, but i would like to know how, so i can get an idea of how hard this is going to be. ive changed my mind about my original base, since it requires me to make a new 3d model, and that will take too long. i will...
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    i just got orbiter base maker today- its a great addon and i made a few prototype sorpendarin bases on it. i added more landing pads- runways- and many giant towers to cape canaveral. i also edited Habana and added sorpendarin bases to the moon and mars. :):) will post screenshots of my bases...
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    i will actuly create a base first,then a ship- then more ships- then a star system- then the intergalactic sorpendarin:) ---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ---------- thanks alot Rising Fury!! :):) ---------- Post added at 11:10 PM ----------...
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    thank you RisingFury, i will start making blender models of the sorpendarin base. :):):):) if you think i have enough features already, i guess i better start working. sorpendarin base will start soon, and probably later Galaxy scenary.
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    thanks, Rising Fury, i remember looking at orbiter base maker and even downloading it once. if it makes it easier i will defently use it. :):) anyway,it seemed to me when i looked at orbiter base maker that it used deafualt orbiter base textures like the landing pads from brighton beach...
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    Project project sorpendarin- redesigned

    actuly,i think on one of my pased versions of orbiter i downloaded, i downloaded an addon calld orlulex collision detection or something simaler to that. i tested it out,and my arrow freighter stood on top of a mountin without falling, but when i took my ummu out to walk on the planet it sunk in...
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    Request interstellar addons

    becuase i want to simulate an interstellar flight with exotic planets,black holes,nebula and stars.
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    Request interstellar addons

    i am planing an interstellar voyage that will need a lot of addons. what are good addons for interstellar voyages. what are the most realistic star systems, what ships are good for flights like this and what other stuff should i add. please reply
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    what should i do for my first addon

    thanks for the suggestion,Loru:) the one problem with it is that i dont see how i can make a base with planets,stars and galaxys. i suppose i could do it but putting it on a planet in our solar system would look pretty weird
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    what should i do for my first addon

    i am wondering what should i do for my first addon,a vessel?,a surface base? i want to do a big interstellar/intergalactic addon but i dont think im quite ready for that. so what is the closest thing i can do to that without getting to advanced?
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    Fastest Possible Interstellar Ship Construction and Launch

    many of these ideas have probebly been suggested before. but anyway here are my ideas for how to handle this situation. some of these technologys havent been invented yet,such as suspended animation,but i hope i stay as near future as possible.:) the booster the first problem is to launch the...
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    Chapter 1: Set to go

    Looks like it is going to be a good story,ill look foward to hearing more:)
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    Discussion The next 100 years..

    isent this thread about what you would like to hapen in the next hundred years, not what would realisticly happen in the next 100 years . if i was supposed to write about what would most likely happen in the next 100 years then it would be more like this: 2016-iss is deorbited 2020-chinese...