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  1. R

    Realistic ISS Sync With The Shuttle

    ah, that is very promising, alright.
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    Realistic ISS Sync With The Shuttle

    does rendezvous MFD work in orbiter 2010 P1? i currently dont have a windows and wont till next week so i thought i would ask. thanks! :thumbup: -AJ
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    Flight Question space shuttle re-entry video tutorial

    well by nothing works i mean i usually fall short, cant perform the S turns, or just bounce off of the atmosphere. The videos on youtube are sort of just showing re-entry and landing, not really step by step :( i can re-enter and land just fine in a XR2, DGIV, and Apollo Missions! :( the...
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    Flight Question space shuttle re-entry video tutorial

    hello everyone, i've seen all of the re-entry videos on youtube and i've tried glideslope, aerobrake, base sync etc. nothing works. can someone please kindly post a video to help me out? it would be greatly appreciated. :thumbup: -AJ
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    Request Orbiter Space Shuttle Re-Entry

    but i thought that only worked in 06? it makes 2010 P1 crash when i use it :( -AJ
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    Getting to know the Ravenstar:)

    for launch, i get up to about 100 throtle, then get up to 100 knots, then launch at 15 degrees, airspeed hold, then finally wait till i get to 24km rotate down to 10 degrees, then engage the scram jets. I then burn the scram jets, still burning at about 10 degrees. After that, what i do is that...
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    Request Orbiter Space Shuttle Re-Entry

    ok that's pretty good info, but what about the S turns? what altitude should i do the first and the second S turn? -AJ
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    OHM International Space Station v.3.2

    how about including a tutorial on how to rendezvous with the iss? :thumbup: -AJ
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    OHM Tutorial: Space shuttle from KSC to ISS and back

    hey, i use orbiter 2010 P1, are you doing to make a tutorial for using Space SHuttle fleet V4.5 to ISS and back? It would be really helpful :) -AJ
  10. R

    Request Orbiter Space Shuttle Re-Entry

    well i have the de-orbit burn done right, keep at 40 degrees, only problem i have is that i always for short of the runway site and i perform S-turns wrong i think. If i can figure out when an dhow to do the S turns the right way, then i've got it. -AJ
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    Request Orbiter Space Shuttle Re-Entry

    i'm sorry but, that has to do with the delta glider....not the shuttle.... ii'm looking for a walkthrough on shuttle re-entry
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    Request Orbiter Space Shuttle Re-Entry

    Can anyone post a step-by-step tutorial on how to do a manual re-entry? -AJ
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    General Question TORRA or TORVA

    sorry, but i looked in the playback. i run shuttle fleet V4.5 in Orbiter 2010 P1 but i don't see the playback