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  1. J

    Who was the best astronaut?

    I think Lovell and Armstrong are tied. Lovell had 3 flights. All of them necessary to go to the moon. Armstrong was first on the moon.
  2. J

    Scenario DG-IV Failure Scenerios

    Are there any failure scenarios for the DGIV (Apollo 13 style)? Also, how long will the emergency power last if you are only using minimum power settings. (ie. all buses off and toggling life support on/off?
  3. J

    Flight Question Geosynch Satellite Moon

    Is it possible to put a satillite in geosynch orbit around the moon? The satellite could be for brighton beach's gps systems. If you put a satellite at one of the lagrangian points would it hold position?
  4. J

    Flight Question Acceptable warp factor while staying in orbit

    88mph but you have to be using the Delorean.
  5. J

    Question How much would a Saturn 5 cost today?

    How much would a Saturn 5 rocket cost today using new materials, electronics and engines (same classic rocket design)?
  6. J

    Flight Question Rendevous LM to CSM

    I made the long journey from the earth to moon using NASSP Apollo 11 scenerio. 'The Eagle Has Landed'... How do I rendevous with the CSM? Is there something I can input into the AGC to get me back to the CSM?
  7. J

    General Question Earth to Moon Mid Course Correction

    I have been practicing going to the moon using the DG-IV. The MFDs I am using are the Transfer MFD, Burn time Calculator and Orbit MFD. At what point should I been doing a mid-course correction burn to lower my Perapisis?
  8. J

    Tell us about yourself!

    Thanks Martin and everyone that has put time into Orbiter. I have always dreamed about going into space and now I finally can. I have been exploring Orbiter since 2005. I think the boundaries for Orbiter are limitless. With DGIV Dan just touched the human aspect. What about food consumption...
  9. J

    Ares I-X Updates

    Gimbal Does anyone know how the SRB motor gimbals? I watched the launch and saw the rocket push over and was wonder how it did that.