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  1. K

    Multiple Layers of inheritance II

    I'm trying to do the same thing as Hlynkacg did in his thread titled "Multiple Layers of inheritance" see here where HLynkacg created a class that inherited from the VESSEL3. He then created another class that inherited from that class. Face noted (towards the end of page 2) that his...
  2. K

    Question How to use the SpotLight class

    I'm trying to define and switch on spotlights in my clbkSetClassCaps method. Below is my implimentation... static SpotLight* spotlight; COLOUR4 col={1,1,1,0}; //I've tried {1,1,1,1} as well spotlight=(SpotLight*)AddSpotLight(_V(0,100,0),_V(0,-1,0),100,1,1,1,RAD*45,RAD*60,col,col,col)...
  3. K

    API Question GetRelativePos function not returning correct value

    If I take the XR5_Vanguard and another vessel and write the output of their relative locations into the oapiDebugString, like so... VESSEL* vanguard,v2; vanguard=oapiGetVesselByName("XR5Vanguard"); v2=oapiGetVesselByName("Vessel2"); VECTOR3 relativePos...