Recent content by Xunie

  1. Xunie

    .dll Question When to link against what?

    I'm a firm believer of "Perfection achieved when nothing is left to take away". So I'm not sure there's much room for collaboration considering I want to keep the damn thing as small as possible and easy to use. Emphasis on "small" here. I'll paste what I got so far...
  2. Xunie

    .dll Question When to link against what?

    The OrbiterSDK (2016) comes with 7 libs to link against. Lua/lua5.1.lib Lua/lua51.lib orbiter.lib Orbitersdk.lib DlgCtrl.lib gcAPI.lib (part of D3D9Client) GDIClient.lib But in what cases do you link against which ones? Are any of them dependent on others? etc. This information isn't given...
  3. Xunie

    SDK Question VSC++ version requirements?

    It's common knowledge that you should always use the same compiler when linking against other things, Orbiter is no different. So what version of Macrobastard Visual Studio C++ was Orbiter 2016 (and the SDK) compiled with? (And why isn't this information in any of the PDFs that come with the...