Recent content by NLSPingouin

  1. N

    OHM Planetring

    It is not a planet. You just did a huge vessel. So it has no gravity.
  2. N

    Question Where can you learn on to land the LEM on Apollo 11

    I think you know the answer. RTFM.
  3. N

    New shuttle bay sound 2010-03-13

    Juste une petite correction du son d'ouverture et fermeture des portes de la baie des navettes spatiales. Le son a été raccourcis de quelques millisecondes au début et à la fin pour tourner parfaitement, sans le petit "clic" agaçant à chaque nouvelle boucle. Vu la faible taille de ce genre...
  4. N

    OHM Ariane5G Vol165

    Et ben ça, si c'est pas de la doc bien construite! Félicitation! Pas encore testé l'addon, mais ça devrait se faire ce week-end.
  5. N

    Problem Exporting from Blender

    Okay! So all it's working and understanded now. Thank you a lot.
  6. N

    Problem Exporting from Blender

    Yeah! You're great, guys! Thank you a lot! And another thing to say about generating a .dds texture : don't have a orbiter's folder name with spaces in it. All it's ok.
  7. N

    Problem Exporting from Blender

    Ok, I thank you. I have now my texture on the meshe! Yeah, it is a really good thing. But, I have another problem. My UV texture is ok on Blender, but not in Orbiter. I am trying to make bottles of beer for those poor astronaut who don't have good things to eat in Orbit. Look at the differences...
  8. N

    Problem Exporting from Blender

    Hi everybody. I've done something on blender and putting a texture on it with UV mapping technique. But when I want to export my .blend to a .msh file, the program that I use don't create any .dds texture. i've ask for a .dds texture to be created. A folder is created in Texture2 fodler of...
  9. N

    Question geoair -?-

    Geoair is french. He lives here :
  10. N

    Problem Exporting mesh from Blender

    Hi I have a problem while exporting from Blender to a .msh file. I have this message : attribute error : "nonetype" has no attribute "name". Do you know what that means? thanks.
  11. N

    Advanced Question Sub orbital flight with XR2

    Hello every body. I am trying a Half Orbit Velocity Time calculation using the LaunchMFD on my XR2. My goal is to start an ascent from Cape Canaveral, with SCRAMET engine. When I reach my Half Orbit Velocity Time, I stop all my engine, my ApA is about 50km. I want now to go back to Cape...
  12. N

    OHM International Space Station v.3.2

    Oh, I thought that IDS system had (or has? I'm not sure) to be powered to be able to use them. So I was trying stuffs with ISS's power system. So, how can I make a good rendez-vous without IDS?
  13. N

    OHM International Space Station v.3.2

    I read the manuel, that was a little bit hard, I don't understand some acronyme, but I am working on It. But I havn't find how to get XPDR and IDS. I find a solution for the Thorton's Mir addon, changing some files to activate thoses feature. But I haven't find a way to do so with ISS V2.5. I...
  14. N

    OHM International Space Station v.3.2

    This is really a great addon. But could you explain how to activate and choose et frequence for the XPDR and IDS système? I cannont reach correctly the space station without this.