Recent content by JMW

  1. JMW

    Problem A lot of file loading

    Always found jsgme easy and quick (for future reference) No guarantees about this website though!
  2. JMW

    C++ Question Compile Error with OrbiterSound5.0?

    Hi Mr Martian, You're not trying to compile in OpenOrbiter are you? Just asking cos of what I encountered here
  3. JMW

    General Question Copying changes from one .cpp to another

    Hiya, Urwumpe, thanks for the nice idea - Suddenly everything linked 🤷‍♂️ So, I've been creating functions/calls for 2 days now, but there are brick walls I can't scale..... eg: int EngExtPPit05() { m_pXRSound->PlayWav(ENGEXTP, true, 0.5); return 1; } to replace...
  4. JMW

    General Question Copying changes from one .cpp to another

    Thanks for reply. Can't find any uninitialised variables. Not sure how PlayChirp could access other m_pXRSound variables... Isn't m_pXRSound created static ? (excuse me if I'm talking rubbish. Knowledge pretty limited)
  5. JMW

    General Question Copying changes from one .cpp to another

    Do you mean loaded? m_pXRSound->LoadWav(CHIRP, "XRSound\\JMW-F-35B\\Chirp.wav", XRSound::PlaybackType::BothViewMedium); And it's in "enum MySounds"
  6. JMW

    General Question Copying changes from one .cpp to another

    Hmm, as predicted I'm obviously doing something wrong. When compiled as shown, Orbiter ctd on actuating the sound.......... Haven't tried it in 2016 yet. "Sound Code" file, compiled with module source. #include "XRSound.h" class XRSound* m_pXRSound; enum MySounds { SystemReset, // value 0...
  7. JMW

    General Question Copying changes from one .cpp to another

  8. JMW

    General Question Copying changes from one .cpp to another

    Thankee! I think I've got it............. I'll give it a go, see what mess I can get into, n report back. Thanks again for your patience. Don't drop off in the videos ;)
  9. JMW

    General Question Copying changes from one .cpp to another

    Thank you Urwumpe for prompt reply. If I've got it correctly you mean that the include (and lib. directories?) are segregated, but the "source files"? If the calls/functions of the .cpp relating to XRSound have to be separated out, and vica-versa, I can't see how I can do that because they're so...
  10. JMW

    General Question Copying changes from one .cpp to another

    Hi All, I have two .cpp files. One is for a 2016 Release addon, and another for Open Orbiter (diff. being one uses OrbiterSound 5.0, the other XRSound) I want to automatically copy any changes I make (apart from sound related of course) from one to the other (at least one way). Any help how I...
  11. JMW

    Compiling Addons for Open Orbiter

    Hi All, Does anyone know why this compiles in 2016 but not in Open Orbiter ? int ShuttlePB::clbkGeneric(int msgid, int prm, void* context) { switch (msgid) { case VMSG_LUAINTERPRETER: lua_State *L = (lua_State*)context; luaL_dofile (L, "Script\\35B\\aap.lua")...
  12. JMW

    Compiling Addons for Open Orbiter

    Hi Again, Ok, so now I've downloaded Open Orbiter x86 to try and compile my addon. Having set it all up again to those headers etc I now get these error messages that I understand even less.... Rebuild started... 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Open J-F-35B, Configuration: Release Win32...
  13. JMW

    Compiling Addons for Open Orbiter

    If I drop the v.160828 aircraft addon into OO (v.230724) scenario starts but no plane appears = corrupt compile?)
  14. JMW

    Surface Base Earth Base Airport Addons for Orbiter 2016?

    This installs a thousand or so...... 😆
  15. JMW

    Compiling Addons for Open Orbiter

    Rebuild started... 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Open J-F-35B, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 1>After all Warning changes - Open.cpp ....................................... 1> Creating library .\..\..\..\Modules/ShuttlePB.lib and object .\..\..\..\Modules/ShuttlePB.exp 1>After all...