General Question how to add beam and bishop to better iss 2.9


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I think you can just add attachment points and attach


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
A couple of things. I am not sure if this is the latest BEAM. When I installed it over wrote existing beam things.

But I just added an attachment in the cfg and attached the BEAM.

Not sure if the location is correct. The same for Bishop.


here is the scn:
BEGIN_DESC END_DESC BEGIN_ENVIRONMENT System Sol Date MJD 51982.0490704225 Help CurrentState_img END_ENVIRONMENT BEGIN_FOCUS Ship bIGELOW/bEAM END_FOCUS BEGIN_CAMERA TARGET bIGELOW/bEAM MODE Extern POS 2.120895 -77.492260 -32.863099 TRACKMODE TargetRelative FOV 50.00 END_CAMERA BEGIN_HUD TYPE Orbit REF AUTO END_HUD BEGIN_MFD Left TYPE Orbit PROJ Ship FRAME Equator ALT REF Earth END_MFD BEGIN_MFD Right TYPE Map REF Earth POS 0.00 0.00 END_MFD BEGIN_SHIPS ISS:ISS_HD STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS -1637918.030 -6201595.442 2070760.579 RVEL -7322.1889 2193.5146 806.0597 AROT 69.823 72.299 -127.281 VROT -0.0654 -0.0000 -0.0000 AFCMODE 7 PRPLEVEL 0:1.000000 DOCKINFO 0:0,STS-101 IDS 0:362 100 1:364 100 2:366 100 3:368 100 4:370 100 5:372 100 NAVFREQ 0 0 XPDR 360 CMG 2 TGT_RPY 0.0 0.0 0.0 SOLARPANELS 1 0.705771 0.987027 0.705771 EATCS 0.849605 DESTINY_COVER 1 1.000000 CUPOLA_COVERS 1 1.000000 MBS 0.500000 END SSRMS:SSRMSD STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS -1637912.838 -6201573.220 2070765.835 RVEL -7322.1889 2193.5146 806.0597 AROT 69.612 -17.701 -179.932 VROT -0.0000 0.0519 0.0398 ATTACHED 1:0,ISS RCSMODE 2 AFCMODE 7 PRPLEVEL 0:1.000000 NAVFREQ 582 466 ARM_STATUS 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ACTIVE_LEE 1 FOLDED 1 1.0000 ACTIVE_CAMERA 0 CAM_STATUS 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 @SUBSYSTEM LEE1 ATTACHED_PAYLOAD ISS 0 BASE @ENDSUBSYSTEM ;LEE1 @SUBSYSTEM LEE2 @ENDSUBSYSTEM ;LEE2 END STS-101:Atlantis STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS -1637931.841 -6201575.907 2070757.749 RVEL -7322.1669 2193.5290 806.0514 AROT -71.548 14.000 100.942 VROT -0.0654 0.0000 -0.0000 PRPLEVEL 0:0.708000 DOCKINFO 0:0,ISS NAVFREQ 466 0 CONFIGURATION 3 GEAR 0 0.0000 ARM_STATUS 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 SAT_OFS_X 0.000000 SAT_OFS_Y 0.000000 SAT_OFS_Z 0.000000 CARGODOOR 1 1.0000 RADIATOR 1 1.0000 KUBAND 1 1.0000 MET 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ASCENTAP 0 0 1 350000 1.5708 0.00000 0.00000 END bIGELOW/bEAM:Spacecraft STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS -1637911.364 -6201592.684 2070765.955 RVEL -7322.1889 2193.5146 806.0597 AROT 108.452 -14.000 79.058 VROT 0.0654 0.0000 0.0000 ATTACHED 0:6,ISS AFCMODE 7 NAVFREQ 0 0 CONFIGURATION 1 CURRENT_PAYLOAD 0 SEQ 0 -2 0.000000 SEQ 1 2 1.000000 SEQ 2 -2 0.000000 END END_SHIPS BEGIN_Attachment Manager END


New member
Aug 10, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, thanks for your reply
I have copied the scn into a new scn file and when I try to load it I get this:

**** Orbiter.log
000000.000: Build Aug 28 2016 [v.160828]
000000.000: Timer precision: 1e-007 sec
000000.000: Found 0 joystick(s)
000000.000: Module AtlantisConfig.dll .... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module AtmConfig.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module DGConfigurator.dll .... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module ProjectOutpostsConfig.dll [Build 120604, API 100830]
000000.000: Module OrbiterSound.dll ...... [Build 121120, API 100830]
000000.000: Module FlightData.dll ........ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module ExtMFD.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module DX9ExtMFD.dll ......... [Build 200907, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Framerate.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Rcontrol.dll .......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module ScnEditor.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module CustomMFD.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module GenericCamera.dll ..... [Build 200907, API 160828]
000000.000: Module LuaMFD.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module transx.dll ............ [Build 160216, API 160214]
000000.000: Module LuaConsole.dll ........ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module ScriptMFD.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module CrewDragonMFD.dll ..... [Build 220602, API 160828]
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: >>> WARNING: Obsolete API function used: oapiRegisterMFDMode
000000.000: At least one active module is accessing an obsolete interface function.
000000.000: Addons which rely on obsolete functions may not be compatible with
000000.000: future versions of Orbiter.
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: Module CamControl.dll ........ [Build ******, API 050206]
000000.000: Module CamShake.dll .......... [Build 100811, API 100606]
000000.000: Module CameraMFD.dll ......... [Build 201106, API 160828]
000000.000: Module DarkEnergyMFD.dll ..... [Build 220719, API 160828]
000000.000: Module BurnTimeMFD.dll ....... [Build 180706, API 160828]
000000.000: Module RendezvousMFD.dll ..... [Build ******, API 050206]
000000.000: Module Multistage2015_MFD.dll [Build 170506, API 160828]
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
BaseDir : C:\Users\tappj\Downloads\new pc\orbiter\Orbiter2016\
ConfigDir : C:\Users\tappj\Downloads\new pc\orbiter\Orbiter2016\Config\
MeshDir : C:\Users\tappj\Downloads\new pc\orbiter\Orbiter2016\Meshes\
TextureDir : C:\Users\tappj\Downloads\new pc\orbiter\Orbiter2016\Textures\
HightexDir : C:\Users\tappj\Downloads\new pc\orbiter\Orbiter2016\Textures2\
ScenarioDir: C:\Users\tappj\Downloads\new pc\orbiter\Orbiter2016\Scenarios\
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
D3D9 DLLs : C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll [v 10.0.22000.708]
: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3dx9_43.dll [v 9.29.952.3111]
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: Module D3D9Client.dll ........ [Build 200907, API 160828]
000000.000: **** Creating simulation session
000000.000: D3D9: [DirectX 9 Initialized]
D3D9: 3D-Adapter.............. : Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
D3D9: MaxTextureWidth......... : 8192
D3D9: MaxTextureHeight........ : 8192
D3D9: MaxTextureRepeat........ : 8192
D3D9: VolTexAddressCaps....... : 0x3F
D3D9: NumSimultaneousRTs...... : 4
D3D9: VertexDeclCaps.......... : 0x37F
D3D9: MiscCaps................ : 0x2FCCF2
D3D9: XNA Math Support........ : Yes
D3D9: Vertex Texture.......... : Yes
D3D9: Separate AlphaBlend..... : Yes
D3D9: Shadow Mapping.......... : Yes
D3D9: D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F.... : Yes
D3D9: D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F.... : Yes
D3D9: D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10...... : Yes
D3D9: D3DFMT_L8............... : Yes
D3D9: D3DDTCAPS_DEC3N......... : No
D3D9: D3DDTCAPS_FLOAT16_2..... : Yes
D3D9: D3DDTCAPS_FLOAT16_4..... : Yes
D3D9: Runs under WINE......... : No
D3D9: D3D9Build Date.......... : 200906
D3D9: Available Texture Memory : 4031 MB
000000.000: D3D9: [3DDevice Initialized]
000000.000: D3D9: [Loading Constellations]
000000.000: D3D9: [D3D9Client Initialized]
000000.000: Module Sun.dll ............... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(E) Sun: Precision 1e-006, Terms 554/6634
000000.000: Module Mercury.dll ........... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Mercury: Precision 1e-005, Terms 167/7123
000000.000: Module Venus.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module VenusAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Venus: Precision 1e-005, Terms 79/1710
000000.000: Module Earth.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module EarthAtmJ71G.dll ...... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Earth: Precision 1e-008, Terms 2564/2564
000000.000: Module Moon.dll .............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
ELP82: Precision 1e-005, Terms 116/829
000000.000: Module Mars.dll .............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module MarsAtm2006.dll ....... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Mars: Precision 1e-005, Terms 405/6400
000000.000: Module Phobos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Deimos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Galsat.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Jupiter.dll ........... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Jupiter: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1624/3625
000000.000: Module Io.dll ................ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Europa.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Ganymede.dll .......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Callisto.dll .......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Satsat.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Saturn.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Saturn: Precision 1e-006, Terms 2904/6365
000000.000: Module Mimas.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Mimas: Terms 113
000000.000: Module Enceladus.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Enceladus: Terms 33
000000.000: Module Tethys.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Tethys: Terms 101
000000.000: Module Dione.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Dione: Terms 59
000000.000: Module Rhea.dll .............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Rhea: Terms 68
000000.000: Module Titan.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Titan: Terms 100
000000.000: Module Iapetus.dll ........... [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Iapetus: Terms 605
000000.000: Module Uranus.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Uranus: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1827/5269
000000.000: Module Miranda.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Ariel.dll ............. [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Umbriel.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Titania.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Oberon.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Neptune.dll ........... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Neptune: Precision 1e-006, Terms 391/2024
000000.000: Finished initialising world
000000.000: Module ISS_HD.dll ............ [Build 220710, API 160828]
000000.000: Module SSRMSD.dll ............ [Build 170328, API 161124]
000000.000: Added subsystem LEE1.
000000.000: Added subsystem LEE2.
000000.000: @SUBSYSTEM LEE1
000000.000: @SUBSYSTEM LEE2
000000.000: Module Atlantis_SRB.dll ...... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Atlantis_Tank.dll ..... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Atlantis.dll .......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: >>> WARNING: Obsolete API function used: VESSEL::CreateVariableDragElement
000000.000: At least one active module is accessing an obsolete interface function.
000000.000: Addons which rely on obsolete functions may not be compatible with
000000.000: future versions of Orbiter.
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: >>> ERROR: No vessel class configuration file found for:
============================ ERROR: ===========================
[Vessel::OpenConfigFile | .\Vessel.cpp | 243]
000000.000: >>> TERMINATING <<<


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
The spacecraft is the the BEAM. Are you using D3D9? If so make sure the ini goes in the module/cfg folder.


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Put the BEAM.ini into here:D:\Orbiter2016\Modules\Server\Config\spacecraft\Bigelow