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  1. M

    Discussion Physical controller replica for Project Apollo

    Been reflecting on the insane Steel Battalion mech controller and wondered if anyone here has thought about or investigated what it would take to fully recreate a physical Apollo Command Module console and plug it into Orbiter? Sounds crazy, but I feel like this group is also crazy enough to...
  2. M

    NASSP MCC data and RTCCMFD providing blank GET data

    I'm on the latest Orbiter Beta and NASSP 8.0 release. Regardless of save file including stock Apollo 11 scenarios, when on the moon preparing for liftoff, MCC pad data is coming with blank liftoff times. I then turned to the RTCCMFD to calculate the burn data manually, and liftoff time also...
  3. M

    NASSP AGC won't accept uplinks from MCC or MFD

    TL;DR Uplinks don't work, when they do, they result in opr err, and P00 causes the comp acty light to stay on. AGC seem to be a bit messed up in my CM. LM appears unaffected. MCC uplink initially works, but then I get an opr err during uplink. I tried a P00, but then the comp acty light came on...
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    NASSP Apollo 11 P30 DOI burns too long. Why?

    Hello! I’m performing a DOI burn from ~60 nm orbit following the values on the MCC P30 pad changing my velocity ~70 FPS. Which all seems accurate. And yet after the burn and nulling all residuals my periapsis is 6.7 nm. Far too low for PDI. What do you think is happening? Thanks for your help!
  5. M

    Problem Apollo 11: Incomplete LM AGS PAD? DEDA 514-516?

    Apollo 11 before LM undocking. The checklist is requesting I add PAD values for AGS addresses 514-516 but the AGS PAD data from MCC didn’t include these. Is there somewhere else to find these values?
  6. M

    Question Apollo 8 Ordeal initialization

    I'm stuck on the ordeal initialization procedure on the Apollo 8 mission in earth orbit. I have V16 N44 up on dsky showing Row 1 = 26585 Row 2 = -28017 I understand that to be orbital apogee and perigee, but I cannot decipher the units! And then I'm asked to calculate average alt, easy...