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  • If I made a virtual space agency:
    VOCA - Vocaloid Orbital (something starting with C) Administration
    VOCAA - VOCaloid Aerospace Adminstration

    or just Vocafleet
    Izack is having similar problems. Her laptop won't boot, and even still her ISP sucks horribly. I last saw her using an old laptop with the Wi-fi on a bus...
    ...24 days, and you haven't logged on once? Between me and Izack, we're going to have to start calling you Mima.
    Until you come back, that is. Then we'll call you Yuuka. :lol:
    Congratulations on achieving ⑨ posts! :thumbup:
    Let's celebrate by taking it easy!

    >  ゆっ⑨りしていってね! <
     ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄

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       丿 .ハ,__,.∨ .i /、__ハ ,ハ!  〈
       ´1,ハrr=-,    r=;ァ, レi ! . |
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       V| レヽ、        ! .ハ.丨 .I ノ ヽ
        レ/Ⅴ  ` ー-─ ´レ' レノ  レヽノ ヽノ
    O-Fへようこそ!Welcome to Orbiter-Forum! And greetings from the eastern Washington. :)
    Although I guess you've been lurking a while...have you?
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