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  1. L

    Discussion Returning Yes or No

    I haven't play orbiter for over 10 years. Does Orbiter community have clans, squadrons, ETC..... I need to learn everything over again, I am now completely and totally disabled, under pain management the whole nine yards. I know Orbiter isn't for the lazy, and feeble minded, its for highly...
  2. L

    Hardware G940 Profile

    Well in Orbitor the G940 is being detected as three separate components, I Have to choose one, where I choose Joystick, then I can't use the throttle, or the pedals. So I have to tell the sim to disable joy and use the Profile to run the joy to get it to work with orbitor, If someone has a...
  3. L

    Hardware G940 Profile

    Does anyone have a good G940 Profile I can use for orbitor, if not I feel I will be spending a week making one.
  4. L

    Problem Custom MFD FPS Drop

    Oh Wow, you cant use the logitech pedals with others joysticks, that sucks. I would figure you could. Well I also just bought my new Graphics card the 480 GTX, do you think that might help, because the 295GTX is a dual GPU not sure if that affects anything negatively at all, I know it affects...
  5. L

    Problem Custom MFD FPS Drop

    I dont know what Detent is, but when I get it I'll be glad to tell you my opinion on it. But I feel most reviews are written by fans that are pissed by a product and sometimes give a pretty bad review. Also I've done alot of reseach into the G940, and found overall its a really good joy, I would...
  6. L

    Problem Custom MFD FPS Drop

    Hi, everyone I've been away from orbiter for a long time due to Surgery and physical rehabilitation. Good news I can walk again! So it has been well over a year and I am now trying to learn from scratch again. So my problem is this I have two monitors, and I am trying to use the Custom MFD on...
  7. L

    General Question My return

    I have said about a month ago I was going to return to Orbitor. I had to have surgery so now today is my return. I have made a full recovery. But I do have a couple question to ask. 1. I am still a novice at Orbitor and see there is a Beta, Should I download the beta or stick to what I know...
  8. L

    My return

    Ok, I am looking for some really great advice, as I am returning to Orbitor after not using it in years. So I am and will admit to being stupid when it comes to Orbitor. So any advice to help me re-learn I would greatly appreciate it. Also I hear there is a new version copming out in the not to...