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  1. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    I took an intro CS course or two, they seemed to spend a lot of time obsessing on functional programming as a paradigm beyond the point of reason to me. It did stress the importance of unit tests, documentation, type safety, etc. tho
  2. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Question What would industrialised cis-lunar space actually look like?

    If you had a stack ranked list with Helium-3 at the top, is there anything else in the 2, 3, 4, 5... slots that isnt economic right now, but might be if cost of getting to space rolls back a few percentage points?
  3. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    Did a free-return slingshot around the moon, aerobraked over teh Indian ocean west of Australia and tried to make for Woomera on maybe 20% fuel in the DG. Got close, but it was night and I guessed that the runway would be east-west and it turned out to be North-South Not to mention the damn...
  4. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    News Orbiter: Recommended Addons

    Is there any word on mods that work with Orbiter 2016? Did compatibility break as cleanly as it did 2006-2010?
  5. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    I havent really seen it yet. Im still stuck in LEO trying to figure out TransX again, Id hoped it would all come back to me again but it looks like Ill have to read the manual. My new rig built post-school is actually gaming quality now which makes the experience so much smoother. I remember...
  6. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    Dled Orbiter 2016 for the first time since 2013? Ran the Checklists/DG-ISS scenario just like I did way back in 2011, got to orbit and couldnt figure out why the hell my orbit kept degrading, even at 400km Took me almost two orbits to realize I accidentally hit the hover engines key with them...
  7. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    Possibly Im thinking of something like this: more in relation to setting up a robot to have some sense of its position over time, while say mapping out the boundary walls of a room with a separate rangefinder sensor. Im not...
  8. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    is it possible to implement what a time-of-flight chip does in software if you have a triple axis accelerometer? If you know the acceleration an object undergoes and it starts stationary relative to your reference frame, wouldnt you be able to use that information to reconstruct its position...
  9. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Hi guys, been a while

    whatever came of it? And is TMac and the Iron Hill Project still around?
  10. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Hi guys, been a while

    Guess Ill get back into Orbiter during lockdown
  11. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    FYI I know some people who are very serious about quidditch :lol: Things learned at field school: -Outcrops are always easier to go up than down -It is possible to somehow have to deal with insects and snow at the same time, somehow -Vodka isnt meant for consumption by human beings. That...
  12. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    Auto land not installed :rofl:
  13. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    Buy some, get it all for free ;)
  14. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    AKA Imperial Officer Speak
  15. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    Holy crap. Thats big enough that Id bet there would be occasional problems with crew getting stuck in the middle in freefall, needing something (or somebody) thrown at them to get out of the middle :lol: Why exactly did this idea of using ETs never catch on? (I know internal volume isnt...
  16. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    How... ?
  17. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    Could probably keep Orbiter Forums going till the end of time too ;)
  18. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Humor Once a year toilet...

    You know... of all of the things to clean in the house, I never thought the toilet was that much of a hassle to clean.
  19. BruceJohnJennerLawso

    Orbiter 2010 in Linux

    I wonder what version of wine he is using? Orbiter runs for me on wine, so I think at least D3D7 is working in lubuntu 14.04 wine version.