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  1. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

  2. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    I see. The issue is already fixed on my local build. The fix will be deployed on the next release. You can select and add cargoes using the API just like the Carrier. See the API docs.
  3. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    I will see what I can do regarding sounds. As for custom astronauts, see the documents on how to implement them. It has nothing to do with the configuration files. You need to inherit from UACS::Astronaut class and implement the necessary methods. I am not sure what you mean by fixing the...
  4. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    The lamp cargo has 5 lamps. The issue is that both packed and unpacked cargoes use the same name, which causes naming issues if another packed lamp cargo exists when unpacking. I should fix this in the next update. Yes. Use the astronaut API to make a custom astronaut. Implement the necessary...
  5. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    Hi all! Sorry for the long absence. Got too busy with RL. I am currently taking exams. I'll finish after a month, and I'll work on a public release.
  6. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    I am aware of what /MT and /MD means. I am asking to know which one should be for compatibility with other libraries, given that /MD and /MT libraries can't be mixed. As for the choice itself, it doesn't really matter. Almost all programs already require VC redist, so chances are that it's...
  7. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    I will see what can done for laying the astronaut when dead. As for the station attachment point, adding more than one will have a considerable performance hit, so for now, there will be only one attachment point. = true; As simple as that. For toggle...
  8. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    A question for everyone: Should I compile UACS with /MT instead of /MD? I am mainly concerned about compatibility with other libraries.
  9. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    You can't scroll through airlocks in the nearest HUD mode. If you want to scroll, go to the vessel information mode. If you can make a good 3D cockpit, I would be very happy to include it with UACS. I will add an option to hide astronaut mesh when inside the cockpit in the next release. I...
  10. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    Thanks for your comments! I believe I am very close to the first release. I am only waiting to see if there are more bugs before releasing. No new features are planned for the first release. 3D cockpit is too much work for me, I hardly have any experience with 3D design, and that's why all 3D...
  11. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    That's because OrbiterSound5.0 (and UACS) are built with /MD, but XRSound is built with /MT, and you can't mix those in your libraries (i.e. all libraries must either be /MD or /MT).
  12. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    I can make the method get the actual nearest action area, but it will be rather expensive, which isn't good given that the method is called every frame, not a one-time call. So the solution is to make all airlocks in a single vessel. I am not sure if the performance tradeoff worths the benefit...
  13. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    That's because the nearest action area (and airlock) logic gets the nearest vessel first, then it returns the nearest action area in it. This will not always yield the actual nearest action area, because it's possible that an action area in a far vessel is nearer than an action area in the...
  14. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    What do you mean by "I can't exit a guy"? What's the result of the call to EgressAstronaut method? Yes, you have the methods in the correct area, but there is a bug in UACS currently, so you need to call them after adding the astronaut. I am not sure what you are trying to do with the action...
  15. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    What's the error message you have when you try to exit the vessel? You can't create unpacked cargoes. What you can do is create a cargo with unpackable type and unpackable only flag, add the cargo to the scenario, and unpack it. It will stay unpacked and can't be packed again. Yes, the issue...
  16. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    There are 2 airlock positions: space position (pos) and ground position (gndInfo.pos). Only one position is used depending on the vessel status. So no, the egress position is always the same as the airlock position. I am not sure what you mean with the airlock size. The airlock has an ingress...
  17. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    No. It searches in the list of UACS cargoes in the scenario.
  18. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    There is no issue with your code. The issue is that the API should call clbkGeneric after astronaut addition, but I forgot to do so. Until the next update, just call SetEmptyMass and SetStationMesh in the same way as the ASTR_INGRS block after adding the astronaut. No. Only UACS modules can be...
  19. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    Have you called SetStationMesh after adding the astronaut? After adding an astronaut, you should call SetEmptyMass and SetStationMesh to update the vessel mass and set the astronaut mesh. Same after egressing and deleting an astronaut. EDIT: Looking back, it seems like I forgot to make the API...
  20. Abdullah Radwan

    Project Universal Astronaut and Cargo System (UACS)

    Currently, the astronaut always egresses with the suit on, regardless of the suit status at ingress. I will make the suit on at astronaut creation only if in unbreathable area in the next update.