Recent content by GodAtum

  1. G

    UntitledSpaceCraft controllers

    Not sure if anyone is willing to code an app for it?
  2. G

    UntitledSpaceCraft controllers

    I came across this for KSP, but might be compatible with Orbiter?
  3. G

    The Universal Flight Simulator

    What addons are these please?
  4. G

    Discussion Spaceflight Video Thread

    Anyone could replicate this in Orbiter?
  5. G

    [April Fool] Facebook acquisition notice

    Really worried to see Facebook picking Orbiter now its open sourced. Not sure what the future of this simulator holds.
  6. G

    Orbiter is now open source

    Maybe we should start a Kickstarter/Paypal fund for development? I'm willing to put $1000 into this.
  7. G

    My love hate relationship with Orbiter

    Wow that's amazing! I really appreciate the effort involved.
  8. G

    My love hate relationship with Orbiter

    Getting back into Orbiter for obvious reasons. I love seeing how amazing space looks. But I really hate grinding ... spending ages clicking back and forth to try to get a course in TransX or IMFD. There used to be a Matlab project...
  9. G

    NASA training ISS software

    Looking at this video, I wonder if they use Orbiter?
  10. G

    General Question SpaceX has inspired me to try Orbiter

    Is there an MFD which simulates all the automation of the capsule, because all the flying was on auto-pilot? I think most of the flying in orbiter is pretty manual?
  11. G

    Launch News SpaceX DM-2 Launch Scheduled for May 27!

    I've watched live news broadcasts in 1080p from the middle of the ocean. It was a few mins behind live because of lag, but not sure why SpaceX cant do the same.
  12. G

    Problem RendezvousMFD issue

    When approaching the ISS, my RendezvousMFD is very wierd! Quicksave: BEGIN_DESC Orbiter saved state at T = 9933 END_DESC BEGIN_ENVIRONMENT System Sol Date MJD 58999.9358751314 Context SpaceX Help CurrentState_img END_ENVIRONMENT BEGIN_FOCUS Ship Dragon END_FOCUS BEGIN_CAMERA...
  13. G

    Question Crew Dragon demo-2 mission

    Ah sorry I'm getting mixed up ... on your 1st post you say "the 1st stage to fly on a 40deg azimuth"
  14. G

    OHM Universal Autopilots 0.3.1

    Nothing works, this is completely broken.
  15. G

    Question Crew Dragon demo-2 mission

    Interesting, not getting that plane at all